living lighter with less

’Til 2022, a deep desire for “less” has continued to well up in my being.

Perhaps partially driven by a complex, heavy world around us. Simplicity is uncomplicated peace, and excess is no more than baggage. I’ve applied this not only to a more capsule approach to my wardrobe, but throughout my home and life as well.

It’s become easier and easier to let go of the baggage that builds up with time, and more and more rewarding as the piles of unneeded disappear leaving more time to kick back and enjoy what you have. Not only in things which are material, but also in matters of the mind.   

We are a generation of over thinkers. Of excess, and emotional weights we carry with us throughout our lives. It’s a new year, and it’s time to eliminate and reduce baggage – physically, mentally and emotionally.

The cause and effect is simple, with less, we are lighter.

With less burdens, we can stand up straighter. We become free to pursue what makes us truly happy without anything holding us down. 

If you’re feeling heavy, reflect on the year past. Recognize your Demonds and the things that have weighed you down, and get rid of them.

It’s time to start living lighter, and happier with less.

Live more, with less. Be the first to love, and to forgive. Remember each moment is all, and only what we make of it. It’s 2022, and though one never needs a reason to start new, now is as good a time as any. 

Having a career and fashion as well as managing a fashion blog, for myself an overstocked wardrobe is a weighted battle I fight season after season.

You might not think a stocked wardrobe is something that weighs you down, but try considering a full closet and racks of clothing in nearly every room of your home. Though I frequently donate or sell gently used clothes, there’s definitely some baggage I’m looking forward to letting go of in 2022. 

I’ve shared some tips on how to reduce your closet to a more capsule wardrobe, many of which I’ll be following in the upcoming weeks to rid myself of some excess.

In the meantime, combining homes with my husband has taught me new levels of versatility in managing a home with less.

Namely, “shopping” in his wardrobe. An added tip for a more capsule wardrobe in 2022, discover the pieces you can share with your partner (if they’re open). You may be surprised just how many of your items overlap.

Genderless fashion is in, as is oversized fashion – and I’ve found many of the guy’s pieces have a better relaxed look than deliberately oversized items for women.

I’ve since discovered new favorite boxy tees, oversized sweatshirts, button downs, and even this blazer which can be easily “stolen” from his, to help reduce needs in my own wardrobe. Not to mention, many of the items are higher priced essentials, so you can save by being versatile with what you have as well.

And while coordinating oversized blazer outfits may not cure all of 2022’s weightless goals, it’s one place to start. Hello 2022, a year of living with less. I feel a little lighter already.

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