Top-tier Management Means Truly Luxurious Boating

Buying your own yacht is just the beginning of the luxury experience afloat. Hong Kong-based Asia Yachting is there to assist at every step of the way, from finding the right boat to crewing it — and even planing voyages to faraway destinations.

While luxury motor-yachting is at the pinnacle of lifestyle pursuits, an owner’s enjoyment is enhanced enormously with the knowledge that a boat is being kept at its best, for use wherever and whenever the urge dictates.

With 13 years’ experience as a dealer of some of the world’s most sought-after brands of new and second-hand craft, Hong Kong-based Asia Yachting offers an exclusive portfolio of uncompromisingly high-quality management services for clients. “We consider that our job is not to just sell a boat to a client but also to provide the service that goes with it, to make boating a luxury experience,” says founder and CEO of Hong Kong-based Asia Yachting, Olivier Besson.

The premium services offered bring a comprehensive range of care for the yacht and passengers, so that Asia Yachting clients can sit back and enjoy the best from their boat. The owner may select any or all of the following carefully custom- tailored services.

Peace of mind from a broad-reaching yachting insurance policy is essential. Experience with clients’ needs and constant monitoring of what’s available in the market informs Asia Yachting of the best possible coverage and value. In-house insurance specialists’ research is led by client criteria, and then more than one possibility is presented, discussed and paperwork formalities completed.

Permanent and temporary marina berths, or moorings, can be acquired within a reasonable period of time for a buyer. The Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter is a popular spot in Hong Kong, and Asia Yachting guarantees a placing for a client in Hong Kong, Macau or in Southeast Asia. Temporary international moorings are also undertaken, with Besson’s team regularly sourcing spots in St Tropez and Monte Carlo, among other glamorous overseas locations.

What would luxury yachting be without a reliable crew? Asia Yachting will gladly suggest a crew configuration based on an owner’s usage, nationality and yachting experience. Potential crew members are all carefully vetted and, if suitable for the client, trained appropriately and offered direct to the owner or to be managed by Asia Yachting on their behalf. Either way, this is followed by ongoing crew performance monitoring to the industry standard, which incorporates the owner’s feedback.

Cleaning services can sometimes overlap with crewing tasks; typically the nature of crewing duties depends on size of a yacht. “If it’s larger than 65 feet [about 20 metres in length], we recommend a full-time crew; below a 65-footer, we’ll usually offer cleaning teams to work according to the boat’s usage,” explains Besson, “and we also do this for speedboats.”

Maintenance for yachts is a must. Daily minor maintenance is all in a day’s work when a crewing team is employed. If that’s not the case, an annual contract is sensible. For important annual systems monitoring that might include engines, gyroscope, drivetrain and generator, Asia Yachting can provide packages for annual checks and servicing.

Services from Asia Yachting also include short-term or even one-off client needs. Repair services source the most technically able partner to get the job done professionally. For client cruises crossing one or more international water boundaries, help with planning and obtaining necessary passenger, crew and boat regulation paperwork for visas, port clearance and quarantine regulations can all be handled, as can requests for anything from a small crew for a planned weekend getaway, or a larger team to include waiting staff and entertainers for a special occasion.

“I’ve arranged a live band for parties, classical musicians for a seated concert and Michelin-star chefs to cook on board,” says Besson. “We’re always happy to try to find whatever our clients need.”

The post Top-tier Management Means Truly Luxurious Boating appeared first on Prestige Online - Hong Kong.

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