SFO @ G20 / B20 Brazil

SFO is delighted to be present at the G20/B20 summit Brazil around the year.

Our Focus @ G20/B20 Brasil

G20 Brasil

  • The G20 has annually rotating presidencies. Brasil will hold the G20 presidency from December 1, 2023, to November 30, 2024.
  • For Brazil, leadership within the G20 represents an opportunity for international reintegration through a high-level economic forum in which the country has traditionally made active contributions. This potential for leadership extends beyond the G20, as Brazil will subsequently host COP30 in 2025.
  • Under the Brazilian presidency, the G20 adopts the motto "Building a Fair World and a Sustainable Planet," focusing on three priority themes: energy transition, fair sustainable development (with an emphasis on combating hunger, poverty, and inequality), and reform of multilateral institutions.
  • Affirming its commitment, Brazil announced the creation of two work-force for the G20 – the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty and the Global Mobilization against Climate Change –, and an initiative of bioeconomy. Finance-related discussions, coordinated by the Ministry of Finance, will address topics such as financing to combat climate change, national debt renegotiation, tax progressivity, and reform of the governance of international financial institutions.
  • The G20, both in its composition and scope, holds the potential to shape the history of Brazilian foreign policy, creating a positive legacy starting from the Rio de Janeiro Summit, the capital of the G20.
  • Initially, the G20 focused mainly on general macroeconomic issues, but expanded its agenda to include topics such as trade, sustainable development, health, agriculture, energy, the environment, climate change and the fight against corruption.
About G20
  • The Group of Twenty (G20) is the main forum for international economic cooperation. It plays an important role in defining and strengthening global architecture and governance on all major international economic issues.
  • The members of the G20 represent around 85% of the world's GDP, more than 75% of world trade and around two-thirds of the world's population.
  • The Group of Twenty (G20) is the premier forum for international economic cooperation. It brings together the leaders of developed and developing countries from all continents. It plays an important role in shaping and strengthening global architecture and governance on all major international economic issues. The G20 initially focused largely on broad macroeconomic issues, but it has since expanded its agenda to inter-alia include trade, sustainable development, health, agriculture, energy, environment, climate change, and anti-corruption.
  • The G20 Summit is held annually, under the leadership of a rotating Presidency. Brazil will hold the Presidency of the G20 from 1 December 2023 to 30 November 2024. The G20 Presidency steers the G20 agenda for one year and hosts the Summit.
  • Collectively, G20 members represent around 87% of the global GDP, 62% of the world´s population, and over 75% of global trade. Throughout the year, representatives from G20 countries gather to discuss financial and socioeconomic issues.
  • The 20 members are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Türkiye, United Kingdom, United States, the African Union, and the European Union.

History of the G20

  • The group was established in the context of the Asian economic crisis, which spread to other emerging markets in the late 1990s. The G20 was created as an informal forum for coordination among Ministers of Economy and Finance and Central Bank leaders.
  • The macroeconomic imbalance, originating and spreading in Asia and Latin America, highlighted the necessity of including developing countries in discussions concerning international economic and financial stability, thereby expanding discussions that were previously held only within the scope of the G7/G8.
  • Elevated to a summit meeting since 2008, following the most severe global economic crisis since 1929, the group's significance is evident in numbers: its members collectively represent approximately 85% of the world's GDP, over 75% of international trade, and about two-thirds of the global population.
  • While in the past, the group emerged to provide responses to crises, today it serves as a privileged space to anticipate instabilities and create joint solutions in areas ranging from trade to tourism, culture to climate change.

Structure of the G20

  • The G20's structure is innovative in that it lacks a fixed secretariat. The coordination of activities is led by a rotating member annually. Consequently, this member holds a certain capacity to set the group's agenda. Alongside this member, the country that chaired the group in the previous year and the one assuming leadership in the following year form a troika: a tripartite structure that monitors discussions to ensure continuity. In 2023, for example, the troika was formed by Indonesia, which chaired the group in 2022, India, leading in 2023, and Brazil, assuming the position in December 2023.
  • Below the secretariat coordinated by the presidency, the G20 organizes around two negotiation tracks, led by two different bodies: the Sherpa Track and the Finance Track.

Sherpa Track and Finance Track

  • The Sherpa Track, covering socio-economic issues, falls under the responsibility of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs. The Finance Track, dedicated to economic policy matters, is led by the Ministries of Economy, Finance, Treasury, or their equivalents. Each track comprises working groups, initiatives, and task forces that formulate recommendations, commission technical studies, and advise the ministers and heads of government of the members.
  • The Sherpas Trail is commanded by personal emissaries of the G20 leaders, who oversee the negotiations, discuss the points that make up the summit agenda and coordinate most of the work. The sherpa appointed by the Brazilian government is Ambassador Maurício Lyrio, Secretary of Economic and Financial Affairs of Itamaraty.
  • The Sherpas are an ethnic group from the mountainous region of Nepal, which in Tibetan language means "people of the east". They are the ones who guide the climbers who aim to reach the top of Mount Everest. Without your skills, it would be almost impossible to reach the summit of the mountain. In the G20, the sherpas are the leaders of each country who forward the discussions and agreements to the final summit with heads of state and government.

The Sherpas Trail consists of 15 working groups, two task forces and an Initiative.

  • The WG deals with essential issues for world agriculture, such as food security, sustainable agriculture, technological innovation and adaptation to climate change.
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  • The WG should formulate anti-corruption standards that strengthen the implementation of international instruments, in particular the United Nations Convention against Corruption.
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Commerce and Investments
  • The WG aims to promote the growth of global trade and cooperation between investment policies, supporting multilateral negotiations and inclusive global value chains.
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  • The WG aims to promote actions aimed at taking advantage of the potential of culture, its impact on the economy and sustainable and inclusive development.
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  • The WG aims to establish a development and poverty reduction agenda and engage developing countries that are not members of the G20 to the work of the group.
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Digital Economy
  • The Digital Economy Working Group deals with topics related to connectivity, digital government, information integrity and artificial intelligence.
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  • The WG has as its central objectives the appreciation of education professionals and the connection of practices on sustainable development between managers and professionals.
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Women's Empowerment
  • The purpose of the WG is to support countries to address gender inequality and boost the empowerment of women in their different dimensions.
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Research and Innovation
  • The WG, which will be created during the G20 Brazil, proposes to advance in access and transfer of technology to developing countries.
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Environmental and Climate Sustainability
  • The WG discusses adaptation to extreme weather events; payments for ecosystem services; oceans; in addition to waste and circular economy.
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  • The WG will have as a priority to develop actions to create quality jobs and promote decent work in order to ensure social inclusion and eliminate poverty.
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Energy Transitions
  • The WG has as a priority to discuss the global transition to the use of clean and sustainable energy sources and the paths to a fair, accessible and inclusive energy transition.
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Disaster Risk Reduction
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  • The WG aims to promote sustainable development in the sector, focusing on international cooperation and the strengthening of multilateral institutions.
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Task Forces

Global Mobilization Against Climate Change
  • The FT will promote high-level dialogue between governments, financial institutions and international bodies, the global macroeconomic and financial alignment for the implementation of the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
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Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty
  • The FT aims to gather resources and knowledge for the implementation of public policies and proven effective social technologies to reduce hunger and poverty in the world.
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  • The initiative is structured in three thematic axes: Science, Technology and Innovation, sustainable use of biodiversity and the role of the bioeconomy in promoting sustainable development.

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 Finance Trail

  • The Finance Trail deals with strategic macroeconomic issues and is commanded by the Ministers of Finance and presidents of the Central Banks of the member countries. The coordinator of the Finance Trail is economist and diplomat Tatiana Rosito, Secretary of International Affairs of the Ministry of Finance.
  • The Finance Trail deals with strategic macroeconomic issues and is commanded by the Ministers of Finance and presidents of the Central Banks of the member countries. The coordinator of the Finance Trail is economist and diplomat Tatiana Rosito, Secretary of International Affairs of the Ministry of Finance.

There are seven technical groups of the Finance Trail, in addition to a task force:

Financial Sector Affairs
  • Financial Sector Affairs are discussed directly by finance ministers and central bank presidents. There is no formally a specific working group
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International Financial Architecture
  • Created after the global financial crisis of 2008/2009, the WG discusses policies to promote a more stable, resilient and balanced international financial architecture
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Global Economy
  • The WG covers cyclical and structural issues, monitoring risks and uncertainties that affect the global scenario and the projections on world development
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Sustainable Finance
  • The WG seeks to mobilize sustainable finances as a means of ensuring global growth and stability, promoting greener, more resilient and inclusive economies
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Financial Inclusion
  • The WG is committed to promoting financial inclusion worldwide, increasing the quality of access and use of sustainable formal financial services
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  • The WG discusses aspects of infrastructure financing, such as the identification of innovative instruments for the mobilization of financial resources for investments
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International Taxation
  • The WG is focused on increasing the efficiency of tax systems and reducing inequalities, with the involvement of all member countries in an inclusive platform
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Task force

Joint Finance and Health Task Force
  • The FT was conceived in 2021, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, as a forum to improve dialogue and global cooperation in Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPR) to pandemics
Engagement Group 
  • In addition, the G20 is reinforced with the expertise of key international organizations regularly invited to meetings, guest countries.  With the initiative to broaden the discussions and scope of the G20, thematic groups of social actors have been established over the years aiming to influence the summit meeting.
  • The G20 also includes institutionalized spaces for the participation of civil society, local governments, and other relevant institutions that make recommendations to negotiators through Engagement Groups. Among these groups are the Think 20, composed of think tanks and academic institutions; the Business 20, comprising representatives from the private sector; and the Civil 20, formed by civil society organizations from G20 countries.
  • Given the autonomy within the G20, during the Indian presidency in 2023, an additional working group was created in the Sherpa Track—the Disaster Risk Reduction group—and a new engagement group, the Startup 20, focused on new businesses and the digital economy.
  • Upon assuming the presidency, Brazil included the Ocean 20 in these groups, recognizing the importance of the marine ecosystem and increasing the visibility of the agenda to mobilize financial and human resources for its conservation.
These are called engagement groups :
    • B20 - Business 20:
      • Dialogue Forum with the international business community. The Business 20 (B20) was established in 2010 by the South Korean presidency with the aim of promoting debate and political articulation of recommendations on agendas related to global economic growth and business development. The group is made up of task forces led by senior business executives from the G20 countries. The B20 in Brazil, organised by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), has established seven Task Forces and an Action Council, dedicated to specific areas that resonate with the motto "Inclusive Growth for a Sustainable Future". The areas include: Trade & Investment; Jobs & Education; Digital Transformation; Energy & Climate Transition; Finance & Infrastructure; Integrity & Compliance; Sustainable Food Systems & Agriculture; and Women & Diversity and Inclusive Business. View more .
    • C20 - Civil 20:
      • Dialogue Forum with non-governmental organizations. The Civil 20 or Civil Society 20 (C20) was established in 2013 by the Russian presidency. The group is made up of representatives of organised civil society (e.g. NGOs, foundations, entities, social movements and others) in the G20. The Group was officially launched in 2013, although civil society engagement among G20 member countries began in 2010. The C20 provides a platform for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) around the world to  provide space through which global CSOs can contribute in a structured and sustained way to the G20.
    • L20 - Labor 20:
      • Dialogue Forum with union representatives. Labour 20 (L20) was established in 2011, by the French presidency. The L20 has the aim of promoting debate and articulating recommendations on issues affecting and involving the global working class. The group brings together the main leaders of trade union organisations.
    • P20 - Parliament20:
      • Dialogue forum with Parliaments. Parliament 20 (P20) or Parlamento 20 (in Portuguese) was established in 2010 by the Canadian presidency. The group is led by representatives of the parliaments of each G20 country and its meetings are primarily aimed at involving the parliamentary sphere in discussions on global governance, taking into account the political reality of each country. The P20 and the U20 are the only engagement groups whose main participants are government representatives.
    • S20 - Science 20:
      • Dialogue Forum with national science academies. Science 20 (S20) or Ciência 20 (in Portuguese) was established in 2017 by the German presidency with the aim of promoting debate and articulate recommendations on science and technology agendas. The group is made up of the national science academies of the G20 countries and promotes an official dialogue between the scientific community and policymakers. Similar to the G20, the S20 has a non-permanent rotating secretariat and operates as a forum (rather than an organisation), with its summits being held annually, usually before the respective G20 Summit. During the 2024 edition in Brazil, the meetings will be organised by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.
    • SAI20 - Supreme Audit Institutions 20:
      • Dialogue Forum of Supreme Audit Institutions.  The Superior Audit Institution 20 (SAI20) or grupo das Instituições de Controle 20 (in Portuguese) was established in 2022 by the Indonesian presidency and aims to promote debate and articulate recommendations on transparency, accountability and anti-corruption among the G20 countries. The group brings together the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of each participating country. The aim of the 2024 edition of the SAI will be to collaboratively explore, discuss and formulate a common perspective for SAIs on the issues of climate finance and poverty reduction.
    • Startup20:
      • Dialogue forum for the startup ecosystem stakeholders. Startup 20 was established in 2023 by the Indian presidency with the aim of promoting debate and the articulation of recommendations on the agendas of technology, innovation and the development of startups, small and medium-sized enterprises. The group brings together the leading names in the sector from all the countries in the group. The group's priorities are to discuss the sector's challenges, such as: technological transformations, public digital infrastructure, technologies as allies for preserving the environment, governance and multilateral reforms, as well as other essential themes for building a fairer and more sustainable future.
    • T20 - Think 20:
      • Dialogue Forum with think tanks. The Think 20 (T20) was established in 2012, by the Mexican presidency. The T20 aims to be a space of intellectual and political reference for the G20. By bringing together think-tanks, high-level experts and other leading organisations in research and intellectual development, the group provides the ideal environment for generating and sharing ideas that aims to solve socio-economic issues of international relevance. At the end of its meetings, the T20's recommendations are converted into publications such as policy briefs that are presented to working groups, ministerial meetings and the G20 Leaders' Summit.
    • U20 - Urban 20:
      • Dialogue Forum of city representatives and leaders from G20 cities. The Urban 20 (U20) was established in 2018 with the co-chair of Buenos Aires and Paris and is a city diplomacy initiative that brings together cities from the G20 member countries with the aim of promoting debate and the political articulation of recommendations on the economic, climate and development agendas in cities. The U20 initiative is permanently convened by C40 Cities and United Cities and Local Governments, under the leadership of one or two host cities that change every year. Previous U20 cycles have been chaired by Buenos Aires and Paris (2018), Tokyo (2019), Riyadh (2020), Rome and Milan (2021), Jakarta and West Java (2022) and Ahmedabad (2023). View more
    • W20 - Women 20:
      • Dialogue Forum with women. Woman 20 or Women 20 (W20) was established in 2015 by the Turkish presidency with the aim of promoting debate and political articulation of recommendations on women's economic empowerment and gender equity. The group brings together experts, organisations, start-ups, universities and entities from all member countries, making it the G20's main forum for discussing gender issues. View more
    • Y20 - Youth 20:
      • Youth Summit. Youth 20 (Y20) or Juventude 20 (in Portuguese) was established in 2016 by the Chinese presidency with the aim of promoting debate and articulate recommendations on key issues for young people around the world. The group brings together delegations of young people aged between 18 and 30 and acts as an official consultation forum for young people from all G20 member countries to dialogue with each other. The Y20 encourages young people as future leaders to raise awareness of global issues, exchange ideas, argue, negotiate and reach consensus. In Brazil, Y20 is coordinated by the Youth Secretary of the City of Rio de Janeiro; the National Youth Council (CONJUVE) and the National Youth Secretariat.
    • O20 - Ocean 20
    • Ocean 20 (O20) or Oceano 20 (in Portuguese) was first organised in 2020 during Indonesia's presidency. The O20 has the aim of promoting debate and articulate recommendations on the ocean economy, preservation and conservation of the oceans. In the 2024 edition, the group is consolidated as part of the G20's official engagement groups in line with the global commitment to sustainable development.

How It Works

  • The G20 works in a system of troikas — a trio of members formed by the last occupier of the group's presidency, the current president and the next country. The government that is in the presidency coordinates the group with the support of the other two.
  • Currently, the troika is formed by Indonesia (presidency in 2022), India (2023) and Brazil (2024). Next year, it will be formed by India, Brazil and South Africa (2025). The term of office of the presidency runs from December 1º of one year to November 30 of the following year.
  • The G20 has a different performance from traditional international organizations and structures its action in two parallel paths: Finance and Sherpa.
  • The Finance trail is led by the Ministers of Economy and directors of the Central Banks of the group's countries. It is the main line of action. The Sherpas who command the other track are personal emissaries of the G20 leaders, who oversee negotiations, discuss points that make up the summit agenda and coordinate most of the work.

Summary of recommendations Of Previous G20 - B20 Summits 

2023 B20 Summit Delhi, India

  • The 2023 B20 Summit in India focused on "Responsible, Accelerated, Innovative, Sustainable & Equitable (R.A.I.S.E)" businesses, aiming to elevate equitable growth by advocating for responsible and sustainable business practices. The summit featured over 25 sessions and 65 speakers, with participation from 800 overseas delegates from 59 countries. Key industry priorities discussed included inclusive global value chains, the future of work and skilling, energy and climate change, digital transformation, financing for economic recovery, innovation, financial inclusion, and ESG in business.
  • The 2023 B20 Summit recommendations emphasized fostering inclusive global value chains, prioritizing the future of work and skilling, addressing energy, climate change, and resource efficiency, advancing digital transformation, supporting financing for global economic recovery, enhancing tech, innovation, and R&D, promoting financial inclusion for economic empowerment, adhering to ESG standards in business, and focusing on African economic integration.
  • The 2023 B20 Summit in New Delhi brought together top business leaders and policymakers from around the world to discuss "R.A.I.S.E—Responsible, Accelerated, Innovative, Sustainable, and Equitable Businesses." This summit, with over 1,500 participants from 55 countries, focused on actionable policy recommendations for economic growth among G20 nations. The B20 forum, integral to the G20 dialogue, proposed over 50 recommendations and 170 policy actions in areas like digital trade, net zero transition, and financing for sustainable development goals (SDGs).
  • Three significant initiatives were announced: the establishment of the B20 Global Institute for continuous engagement, accelerating decarbonization financial support in the Global South, and creating the Global SDG Acceleration Fund to merge public and private capital for SDG projects.
  • Key policy recommendations included leveraging technology in trade to enhance services and operational efficiency, developing Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) for better public service delivery, harmonizing global cybersecurity standards, and fostering a technology-driven framework for skills development to meet automation and AI challenges. Additionally, the summit emphasized bridging the financing gap for SDGs, integrating African economies into the G20 framework, and advancing clean energy technologies to combat climate change.

2022 B20 Summit Bali, Indonesia

  • The 2022 B20 Summit took place in Bali, Indonesia, alongside the G20 Summit, under the overarching theme of "Advancing Innovative, Inclusive, and Collaborative Growth." The summit focused on addressing the challenges of economic recovery in the post-pandemic era, with a strong emphasis on fostering digital transformation, sustainability, and inclusivity in global economic practices.
  • Key discussion areas at the 2022 B20 Summit included the acceleration of digital transformation across industries, the promotion of sustainable and green economic practices, the enhancement of global health resilience, and the importance of fostering an inclusive economy that benefits all sectors of society. The summit aimed to build on the momentum of previous B20 discussions, emphasizing the need for a coordinated international approach to navigate the complexities of the global economic landscape.
  • The policy recommendations from the 2022 B20 Summit stressed the importance of international cooperation in advancing digital infrastructure and literacy, ensuring that the benefits of digitalization are accessible to all. The B20 advocated for the removal of barriers to international trade and investment, emphasizing the role of open markets in driving economic recovery and growth.
  • Sustainability was a central theme, with the B20 calling for commitments to climate action and the transition to a low-carbon economy. The recommendations highlighted the need for investments in green technologies and infrastructure, as well as policies that support the circular economy and sustainable business practices.
  • Inclusivity was also a key focus, with the B20 emphasizing the importance of policies that ensure equitable opportunities for women, youth, and underrepresented groups. The summit highlighted the role of education, skills development, and entrepreneurship in creating a more inclusive economic landscape.
  • The 2022 B20 Summit in Bali underscored the critical role of the business community in shaping a global economic recovery that is innovative, inclusive, and sustainable. The summit reinforced the importance of public-private partnerships and international collaboration in addressing the pressing challenges facing the global economy and in building a more resilient and equitable future.

2021 B20 Summit Virtual, Italy

  • The 2021 B20 Summit was hosted by Italy, reflecting the G20's rotating presidency. This summit took place against the backdrop of a global economy seeking to recover and rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on themes of resilience, sustainability, and inclusivity. The B20 aimed to leverage the lessons learned from the pandemic to propose policy recommendations that would foster a more robust, equitable, and sustainable global economic system.
  • Key themes discussed at the 2021 B20 Summit included enhancing international cooperation, fostering sustainable and inclusive growth, advancing digital transformation, and strengthening the global health system. The summit emphasized the need for a coordinated global response to the pandemic's economic and social impacts, highlighting the importance of ensuring vaccine equity and strengthening healthcare infrastructures worldwide.
  • The policy recommendations from the 2021 B20 Summit called for reinforcing the multilateral trade system to support economic recovery and resilience, promoting digitalization and ensuring equitable access to digital technologies, and advancing policies that support the transition to a green economy. The B20 stressed the importance of climate action and the need to align economic recovery efforts with the goals of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • In addition to environmental sustainability, the summit focused on social inclusivity, advocating for policies that ensure opportunities for all segments of society, particularly women, youth, and underrepresented groups. The B20 highlighted the role of education, skills development, and labor market reforms in building a more inclusive workforce prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the future economy.
  • The 2021 B20 Summit in Italy reinforced the commitment of the global business community to collaborate with G20 governments in addressing the challenges posed by the pandemic and in driving forward a recovery that is sustainable, inclusive, and resilient, laying the foundation for a better global economic system.

2020 B20 Summit Virtual, Saudi Arabia

  • The 2020 B20 Summit was held virtually due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, under the presidency of Saudi Arabia. This unprecedented format reflected the world's adaptation to the challenges posed by the pandemic, emphasizing the importance of global cooperation and digital connectivity. The theme for the 2020 B20 Summit focused on "Transforming for Inclusive Growth," aiming to address the economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis while setting the stage for a resilient recovery that promotes inclusivity and sustainability.
  • Key discussion themes at the 2020 B20 Summit included empowering women and youth, enhancing digital transformation, advancing global trade and investment, ensuring sustainable and resilient infrastructure, and fostering future-readiness in healthcare systems. The summit paid particular attention to the economic and social disruptions caused by the pandemic, seeking solutions that would lead to a more inclusive, sustainable, and resilient global economy.
  • The policy recommendations from the 2020 B20 Summit called for urgent and coordinated responses to the pandemic's economic fallout, emphasizing the need for policies that support business continuity, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are among the most affected by the crisis. The B20 advocated for enhanced digital infrastructure and access to digital technologies to facilitate remote work and education, and to ensure that businesses can continue to operate in a disrupted global environment.
  • The summit also highlighted the importance of international collaboration in addressing the health crisis and supporting economic recovery, stressing the need for equitable access to healthcare and vaccines. Additionally, the B20 recommendations underscored the critical role of sustainable and resilient infrastructure in driving post-pandemic recovery, alongside the importance of advancing towards a low-carbon economy to ensure long-term sustainability.
  • The 2020 B20 Summit underscored the business community's commitment to working alongside G20 governments to tackle the immediate challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, while also laying the groundwork for a more inclusive, sustainable, and resilient global economic recovery.
 2019 B20 Summit Tokyo, Japan
  • The 2019 B20 Summit was held in Tokyo, Japan, alongside the G20 Summit. This year's summit continued the tradition of engaging global business leaders in discussions to provide actionable policy recommendations to G20 leaders, with a strong focus on fostering global economic growth through free trade, innovation, and sustainability. The theme for the 2019 B20 Summit emphasized society 5.0, a concept promoted by Japan, which envisions a human-centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems through a system that highly integrates cyberspace and physical space.
  • Key discussion areas at the 2019 B20 Summit included the future of work and education, digital economy and industry 4.0, trade and investment, sustainable development, and energy and resource efficiency. The summit aimed to address the challenges and opportunities presented by digital transformation, demographic changes, and environmental sustainability.
  • The policy recommendations from the 2019 B20 Summit highlighted the need for an open and fair global trading system, support for the digital transformation of economies, and the promotion of inclusive growth that benefits all segments of society. There was a significant focus on the importance of innovation and technology in driving economic growth and addressing societal challenges, including climate change and aging populations.
  • The B20 called for investments in education and lifelong learning to prepare the workforce for the future of work, emphasizing the need for skills that align with the demands of an increasingly digital and automated economy. Additionally, the summit underscored the importance of global cooperation in addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainable development, advocating for the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the transition to a low-carbon economy.
  • The 2019 B20 Summit in Tokyo highlighted the role of the business community in contributing to the development of policies that support a sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous global economy, underlining the need for collaborative efforts between the public and private sectors to navigate the complexities of the 21st-century economic landscape.

 2018 B20 Summit Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • The 2018 B20 Summit took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in conjunction with the G20 Summit. This summit aimed to present policy recommendations to G20 leaders that reflected the business community's perspective on how to drive sustainable economic growth in an increasingly interconnected and digital global economy. The theme for the 2018 B20 focused on building consensus for fair and sustainable development, emphasizing the importance of inclusive growth and the role of digital transformation in the global economy.
  • Key topics of discussion at the 2018 B20 Summit included the future of work, digital economy and industry 4.0, financing growth and infrastructure, international trade and investment, and sustainable food future. The summit highlighted the need for adapting to technological advancements that are reshaping industries and labor markets, and the importance of supporting the digital transformation of economies to enhance competitiveness and inclusivity.
  • The policy recommendations from the 2018 B20 Summit stressed the importance of creating an enabling environment for digital innovation and entrepreneurship, ensuring that trade and investment policies are conducive to business development, and promoting infrastructure investment as a catalyst for economic growth. There was a strong emphasis on the need for education and training systems to evolve in response to the changing nature of work, ensuring that the workforce is equipped with the skills necessary for the jobs of the future.
  • Sustainability and inclusivity were central themes, with the B20 advocating for policies that address climate change, support sustainable development, and ensure that the benefits of economic growth are widely shared across society. The summit also called for strengthened international cooperation and multilateralism to address global challenges and uncertainties.
  • The 2018 B20 Summit in Buenos Aires reinforced the business community's commitment to working with G20 governments to foster a more inclusive, sustainable, and resilient global economy, highlighting the pivotal role of digital transformation and international collaboration in achieving these goals.

 2017 B20 Summit Berlin, Germany

  • The 2017 B20 Summit was held in Berlin, Germany, coinciding with the G20 Summit. The summit's theme focused on fostering resilience, improving sustainability, and assuming responsibility in global economic activities. The B20 aimed to deliver concrete, actionable policy recommendations to G20 leaders that would support a robust, sustainable, and balanced global economy.
  • Key discussion points at the 2017 B20 Summit included strengthening the global financial system, enhancing digitalization and the digital economy, promoting free trade and investment, ensuring energy security and sustainability, and advancing employment and education. The emphasis was on creating an environment that supports innovation and digital transformation, while also ensuring that economic growth leads to tangible benefits for all layers of society.
  • The policy recommendations from the 2017 B20 Summit advocated for a reinforcement of the multilateral trade system to counter protectionist tendencies and ensure open and fair global trade. The summit highlighted the importance of digital infrastructure and literacy, calling for policies that encourage digital innovation and ensure widespread access to digital technologies.
  • Sustainability was a key focus, with the B20 calling for the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change and the promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. The recommendations also emphasized the need for an inclusive labor market, advocating for education and training systems that are responsive to the demands of the digital economy, thereby enhancing workforce adaptability and skills development.
  • The 2017 B20 Summit in Berlin underscored the critical role of the business community in addressing global economic challenges, emphasizing the need for policies that promote resilience, sustainability, and inclusive growth. The summit reinforced the importance of collaboration between governments and the private sector in shaping a positive future for the global economy.

2016 B20 Summit Hangzhou, China

  • The 2016 B20 Summit took place in Hangzhou, China, alongside the G20 Summit. This year's summit underscored the theme of fostering an innovative, invigorated, interconnected, and inclusive world economy, in line with the priorities set by the G20 under China's presidency. The focus was on advocating for policies that support innovation, enhance global economic integration, and promote inclusive growth to ensure that the benefits of globalization and economic development are accessible to all segments of society.
  • Key areas of discussion at the 2016 B20 Summit included advancing global trade and investment, supporting the digital economy, promoting sustainable and green development, and enhancing the global financial architecture to support growth. There was a strong emphasis on innovation as a key driver for economic growth and competitiveness, with particular attention given to the digital economy and the opportunities it presents for businesses and societies.
  • The policy recommendations from the 2016 B20 Summit highlighted the need for structural reforms to unleash economic potential, the importance of open and fair trade and investment regimes to counteract protectionism, and the promotion of digital infrastructure and literacy to facilitate the transition to a digital economy. Additionally, the B20 called for global cooperation in addressing challenges related to climate change and sustainable development, emphasizing the role of green finance and technology in achieving these goals.
  • The summit also addressed the importance of inclusive growth, stressing the need for policies that ensure equitable access to the opportunities created by economic development. This included enhancing the role of SMEs in the global economy, improving labor market conditions, and investing in education and training to equip individuals with the skills needed in a rapidly changing economic landscape.
  • The 2016 B20 Summit in Hangzhou played a crucial role in bringing the business community's perspective to the forefront of global economic policy discussions, highlighting the importance of innovation, digital transformation, and inclusivity in driving sustainable and balanced economic growth.

2015 B20 Summit Antalya, Turkey

  • The 2015 B20 Summit was held in Antalya, Turkey, in parallel with the G20 Summit. This edition of the B20 Summit focused on inclusivity and continuity, with an emphasis on ensuring that economic growth benefits a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and contributes to sustainable development. The primary objective was to provide actionable policy recommendations to G20 leaders that would foster a more inclusive and sustainable global economic environment.
  • Key themes of the 2015 B20 Summit included enhancing global trade and investment, promoting SMEs and entrepreneurship, improving employment opportunities and skills development, and ensuring sustainable development and climate change mitigation. The summit aimed to address the challenges of fostering economic growth while ensuring that such growth is inclusive, sustainable, and resilient.
  • The policy recommendations resulting from the 2015 B20 Summit stressed the importance of creating an environment conducive to business growth and innovation, particularly for SMEs, which are often described as the backbone of many economies. The B20 advocated for the removal of trade barriers, the simplification of regulatory environments, and the enhancement of global value chains to facilitate easier access to international markets for businesses of all sizes.
  • Furthermore, the B20 emphasized the need for investment in infrastructure, both physical and digital, as a means to drive economic growth and connectivity. It also highlighted the critical role of education and skills development in ensuring that the workforce is equipped to meet the demands of the evolving global economy, particularly in the context of rapid technological advancements.
  • The 2015 B20 Summit in Antalya underscored the importance of public-private partnerships in addressing global economic challenges, advocating for policies that promote economic inclusivity and sustainability. This approach aimed to ensure that the benefits of economic growth are widely shared and that economic development is aligned with environmental and social sustainability goals.

2014 B20 Summit Sydney, Australia

  • The 2014 B20 Summit was held in Sydney, Australia, in conjunction with the G20 Summit. This summit continued the B20's mission of bringing together business leaders from around the world to discuss and propose policy recommendations to the G20 leaders, focusing on key issues affecting the global economy. The theme for the 2014 B20 Summit revolved around driving economic growth and job creation through practical and actionable policy measures.
  • Key areas of focus during the 2014 B20 Summit included fostering international trade and investment, enhancing transparency and regulatory predictability, promoting infrastructure development, and encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship. A particular emphasis was placed on the importance of creating an environment that supports business growth and development, recognizing the private sector's role in driving sustainable economic progress.
  • The outcomes of the 2014 B20 Summit were encapsulated in a series of policy recommendations aimed at addressing impediments to global economic growth. These recommendations stressed the need for G20 countries to commit to structural reforms, reduce barriers to trade and investment, and improve the efficiency and stability of the global financial system. Additionally, the B20 called for increased collaboration between governments and the private sector to invest in infrastructure, both as a means to stimulate immediate economic activity and to lay the groundwork for long-term growth.
  • The summit also highlighted the significance of digital economy and technological advancements in shaping future economic landscapes, advocating for policies that support digital infrastructure and data security while promoting access to digital technologies for businesses and individuals.
  • The 2014 B20 Summit in Sydney reinforced the forum's role as a critical platform for dialogue between the global business community and G20 governments, aiming to inform and influence global economic policies in a way that promotes growth, stability, and prosperity.

2013 B20 Summit Saint Petersburg, Russia

  • The 2013 B20 Summit took place in Saint Petersburg, Russia, aligning with the G20 Summit. This summit focused on fostering a conducive environment for growth and employment, enhancing financial system stability and efficiency, and promoting international trade and investment. The overarching goal was to provide actionable policy recommendations to G20 leaders to address the challenges facing the global economy, particularly in the context of the post-2008 financial crisis recovery phase.
  • Key priorities at the 2013 B20 Summit included stimulating economic growth and job creation, improving the regulatory framework for businesses, enhancing transparency and governance, and promoting sustainable development and green growth. A significant emphasis was placed on innovation, infrastructure development, and the role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as engines of economic growth.
  • The summit resulted in a comprehensive set of policy recommendations that were presented to the G20 leaders. These recommendations advocated for the removal of barriers to international trade and investment, the implementation of consistent and coherent regulatory frameworks across jurisdictions, and the importance of fostering an environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship. Furthermore, the B20 emphasized the need for investments in infrastructure, both physical and digital, to support sustainable economic development.
  • The 2013 B20 Summit in Saint Petersburg was instrumental in highlighting the critical role of the business community in global economic governance. It reinforced the importance of public-private dialogue and cooperation in tackling international economic challenges and set the stage for future B20 Summits to build on this collaborative approach.

2012 B20 Summit Los Cabos, Mexico

  • The 2012 B20 Summit was held in Los Cabos, Mexico, coinciding with the G20 Summit. This gathering continued the tradition of engaging global business leaders in dialogue with G20 governments to address pressing international economic issues. The focus for this year was on promoting economic growth and job creation against the backdrop of a still-recovering global economy, with particular attention on enhancing trade, improving regulatory frameworks, and fostering sustainable development.
  • Key topics discussed at the 2012 B20 Summit included enhancing international trade and investment, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, improving employment opportunities, and promoting green growth. The summit served as a platform for business leaders to share their perspectives and propose actionable policy recommendations to the G20 leaders.
  • The outcomes of the 2012 B20 Summit were encapsulated in a set of policy recommendations that emphasized the need for structural reforms to stimulate economic growth, the importance of open and free trade to combat protectionism, and the necessity of regulatory coherence to improve the business environment globally. Additionally, the B20 called for increased investment in infrastructure, education, and technology to drive long-term sustainable growth and development.
  • The 2012 B20 Summit also highlighted the significance of public-private partnerships in tackling global challenges, advocating for closer collaboration between governments and the private sector in policy formulation and implementation. The Los Cabos B20 Summit reinforced the B20's role as a crucial link between the global business community and G20 governments, providing a forum for constructive policy dialogue and collaboration.

2011 B20 Summit Cannes, France

  • The 2011 B20 Summit took place in Cannes, France, alongside the G20 Summit. This event built upon the foundation laid by the inaugural B20 Summit in 2010, further strengthening the dialogue between the business community and G20 leaders. The primary focus of the 2011 B20 was to address key global economic challenges, with an emphasis on fostering economic stability, promoting job creation, and enhancing global governance to better manage economic crises.
  • Key themes discussed at the 2011 B20 Summit included financial market regulation, international trade and investment, innovation and technology, and sustainable development. The summit brought together business leaders, international organizations, and government representatives to deliberate on policies that could support global economic recovery and long-term growth.
  • The 2011 B20 Summit resulted in a series of policy recommendations aimed at G20 leaders. These recommendations stressed the importance of creating a favorable environment for business and investment, enhancing transparency and regulatory frameworks in financial markets, and removing barriers to trade and investment to stimulate global economic activity. Additionally, the B20 emphasized the need for policies that support innovation, digital infrastructure, and green technologies, recognizing their role in driving sustainable economic growth.
  • The summit highlighted the critical role of the private sector in addressing global economic issues and underscored the value of public-private collaboration. The Cannes B20 Summit reinforced the B20's position as a key contributor to the G20 process, providing a platform for the business community to influence global economic policy-making.

2010 B20 Summit Toronto, Canada

  • The 2010 B20 Summit, held in conjunction with the G20 Summit, took place in Toronto, Canada. This event marked the formal initiation of the B20 (Business 20), a forum where private sector representatives from G20 economies collaborate to provide policy recommendations on global economic issues. The B20 aims to support the G20 by bringing in the perspective of the business community, focusing on addressing challenges and enhancing economic growth and development.
  • The inaugural B20 Summit concentrated on critical themes relevant to the global economy, including economic recovery post the 2008 financial crisis, fostering sustainable growth, enhancing international trade and investment, and improving global governance frameworks to better address future economic challenges. Business leaders and CEOs from various industries participated, offering insights and proposing solutions to enhance the efficiency and resilience of the global economic architecture.
  • Key outcomes of the 2010 B20 Summit included a set of policy recommendations directed towards the G20 leaders. These recommendations emphasized the need for strengthening financial regulatory frameworks, promoting open trade and investment regimes, and encouraging green growth strategies as a means to sustainable development. The B20 also highlighted the importance of public-private partnerships in driving innovation and infrastructure development, crucial for long-term economic stability and growth.
  • The establishment of the B20 as an influential voice in global economic discussions underscored the recognition of the private sector's role in shaping policies for economic recovery and growth. The 2010 B20 Summit set the precedent for subsequent B20 Summits, where business leaders continued to engage with G20 governments in a collaborative effort to address pressing global economic issues.


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