Celebrity Life

A beginners guide to smart investing: When, how and why

Investing your money, especially if you’ve never done it before, can be an intimidating thought. There are many investment opportunities out there, and knowing where to put your hard-earned cash can be daunting.  But it doesn’t have to be. Once you’ve read this guide, you’ll have a far better idea of why you should invest and […]

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Tim Hentschel: The Age of the Entrepreneur

From Steve Jobs all the way back to 1800s business magnate Andrew Carnegie and beyond, the entrepreneur has and always will be an integral part of our world’s economy. Today, with so much connectivity, some might argue that it’s easier than ever to become an entrepreneur. But the real truth is, aside from the lucky […]

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Real estate investment, Vietnam: Luxury homes at Vista Verde and Feliz en Vista in Ho Chi Minh City

Over recent years, Ho Chi Minh City's status as Vietnam's main economic driver has made it the second-most popular market in Asia for real estate investors.

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Real estate investment in Tokyo, Japan from Chiyoda to Roppongi

Despite worries about Japan's economy, Tokyo proves to be a reliable income stream for investors with its high occupancy and liquidity rates—and good returns

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Real estate investment in Shanghai: Sophisticated living spaces in the heart of the evolving Chinese city 

With a promising economy and predictable growth trends, the Chinese city is drawing foreign investors looking to own luxury residences in the developing country.

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Real Estate investment in Australia: Brisbane and Gold Coast property markets expand residential and commercial properties

The two Australian cities offer alternative sub-tropics solutions to accommodate the ever-growing population and demand for luxury property

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Real Estate investment in Australia: Guide on purchasing property in the Great Barrier Reef

Palace magazine explores the Great Barrier Reef to see why Whitsunday Islands could be the next Caribbean

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Invest in Berlin, Germany: art, nature and booming luxury property market

The once divided city is now a vibrant melting pot in the east of Germany. Home to a budding art and music scene, Berliners have created a truly international capital. “Poor but sexy” is how a former Berlin mayor once described his city. To a large extent this is still how Berlin sees itself. However, […]

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Invest in Monaco: A tax haven along the Mediterranean Sea

Nestled along the Mediterranean coast near France and Italy, the principality is a property tax haven. Relatively easy residence grants and a lack of land have furthered its appeal.

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Evaluating Performance and Focus on What’s Important

By: Anthony Cristiano The importance of diversification has been trumpeted for over a thousand years.  Many centuries ago, a Rabbi recommended that investors have “a third in land, a third in merchandise, and third ready at hand.”  Advice on diversification and asset allocation didn’t change until the recent past when Harry Markowitz in 1952 published […]

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