Celebrity Life

Mum in Moon’s Sabrina Chan: “Being a Mother is the Toughest Job on Earth”

Sabrina Chan on Mum in Moon

There’s no doubt Alex Lam inherited his musical talent from his parents, his father being Cantopop legend George Lam Chi-Cheung, and his mother, Sally Yeh. Still, the singer-songwriter and actor hasn’t let privilege get to his head — he’s not afraid to explore other paths, from a stint in Los Angeles to discover yoga and becoming a yoga teacher, to dipping his toes in fashion.

Lam met Hiro Yoshikawa, founder and designer of Washi Jeans, a Japanese denim brand, a couple years back and was intrigued by the designer’s backstory. Now based in Hong Kong, Yoshikawa is the 18th generation of a revered sake maker in Okayama, Japan, and the first to leave the family business to pursue his own passion in denim-making. By chance, Yoshikawa had found an old document that charted out his family’s history, written on washi paper. Inspired by this, he developed and patented the Washi No. 6 paper yarn, which he utilizes in his first solo collection launching this month.

Lam, who has always had an eye for detail, quickly became an ambassador and muse for Yoshikawa, and took it upon himself to bring the recognition Yoshikawa deserves by helping him stage his upcoming solo debut.

We sit down with Alex Lam and Hiro Yoshikawa at Washi Jean's studio to talk about style and the upcoming debut of Yoshikawa's solo collection Life on Earth.

Alex Lam wearing custom Washi Jeans
Alex Lam wearing custom Washi Jeans

Can you describe your style? What are your wardrobe essentials?

AL: My style has always been inspired by musicians. I grew up watching some of my favourite bands like The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, and today, I'm inspired by singers like Drake. For me, my summer essentials include a sleeveless vest, a good multi-functional blazer and a pair of high-quality designer jeans.

Have you always been passionate about fashion and did you want to work in fashion?

AL: I have always cared about how I look and my outfits since I was a kid. I remember there was one time when the collar of my t-shirt wasn't right and I wouldn’t wear it out until my parents fixed it for me. Having friends who are in the fashion industry allows me to execute and experiment my ideas during workshops, like the ‘marshmallow’ colourway of the t-shirt I’m wearing right now.

How did the both of you meet?

AL: I met Hiro-san thought some of our mutual friends.

HY: have been making jeans for other brands for the past 30 years and it has always been my dream to have my own denim brand. I have always hung out with people from the fashion industry, and meeting Alex from the music and acting world has made my life more fun and exciting.

Can you tell us a bit about your project with Hiro-san?

AL: I was hanging out with a group of producers and we often talk about fashion shows, designer brands’ videos, installation art and music. Once we found out Hiro-san wanted to launch his own denim brand this year, we decided to catch this opportunity and put our ideas together. We are organising a VIP launch event with a fashion show on June 11, 2021.

Alex Lam and Hiro-san examine a pair of the designer's patented jean design

What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome with this project?

AL: I think the rules of the game changed after Covid started last year. We looked at online fashion shows last year, without the tradition styles, and we knew our team needed to do it in a cleverer way. The restriction for event gathering is 30 persons at the moment, so we were not able to invite too many friends and make the event as big as before. Plus the campaign and fashion show video shoot all in one day, that’s the biggest challenge in this project.

HY:  We have been staying in our studio almost every day is the past few months, meeting different parties like our PR team, models, videographers and producers.

What else are you up to this year that you can share with us?

AL: I have released a new song and I just finished a music video for another song. I have also been working on my YouTube channel and created a few series, but it’s been slightly slowed down because I was focusing in this project.

Has the pandemic affected the way you work or changed your priorities?

AL: Before Covid, I was busy working with clients, who often prepared everything. With changes and restrictions during this period, I am able to organise and create more content by myself.

What are you currently inspired by?

AL: There are many indie musicians and young kids out there who are doing their music in their unique styles. I admire them a lot as they can release songs as long as they think it sounds good. I used think good music requires the best studio and recording equipment, but turned out a lot of indie musicians are producing high quality songs just by working at home.

You have a YouTube channel, you're into fashion, music as well as classic cars. How did you get into each of those passions and how do you balance it all?

AL: Project by project. I’m now focusing more on quantity over quality and I'll keep learning from the progress and mistakes.

Do you have a motto you live by?

Stay healthy. As I was a yoga teacher, I still practice yoga for two to three hours each day. It’s a good way to reflect on myself and find peace.

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Jada Poon’s Intimate Mother’s Day Photography Series Pays Tribute to the Strength of Hong Kong Women

This year, to celebrate Mother’s Day, acclaimed photographer Jada Poon launched an intimate photography project with Hong Kong charity Hope of the City. Poon, whose Kindred Studio specialises in family portraits, captured eight mothers and families living the Sham Shui Po district. Shot by Kindred Studio’s lead photographer Kristin, the series sheds light on the power of mother as women and family members.

Through these powerful portraits, Hope of the City and the photographer aim to empower the eight mothers and women featured in the series. Additionally, the series focuses on the individuality of mothers beyond the conventional stereotypes and traditional norms defined by society.

“This charity project has not only created some unforgettable moments for these families through capturing the mothers’ most heartfelt, intimate interactions with their children, but I also hope their individual portraits can help turn the spotlight back on these selfless women who have dedicated themselves to their families, inspiring them to love themselves and appreciate their inner beauty and passion for life,” says Poon.

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

The eight subjects were invited to participate in the project by the charity, which believes in the power of education and, apart from providing tutoring for children in need, recognises the importance of empowering their families.

Mother’s Day

“Hope of the City is honoured to be collaborating with Jada on this project,” says Kevin Iu, Associate Director of Community Engagement at Hope of the City. “In addition to seeing a mother’s powerful love in each portrait, it also expresses a unity of hearts. It's because of the dedicated cooperation of neighbours, professionals, churches and institutions, that this beautiful dream could be brought to life. I hope that the participants will feel a sense of warmth and love when enjoying the exhibition.”

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Cindy Crawford and Five Choices She’s Made that Defines Her

Cindy Crawford and Kaia Gerber in an Omega campaign

Few partnerships are as enduring as the one that Omega enjoys with Cindy Crawford. The model signed on with the Swiss watch brand in 1995, at a time when watch brands would more readily feature athletes and explorers in their campaigns. But Crawford's 25-year relationship with Omega has proved fruitful — she's launched new models with the brand, travelled the globe with them, and put in her all to promote its philanthropic work with Orbis.

Famous for saying modelling is a job she does, but not one that embodies her character, Crawford's landmark decisions have brought her to where she is today in terms of life, career and motherhood. We catch up with the supermodel and mega businesswoman on five choices she's made that defines who she is today.

Why did you choose to become a model?

I never even thought about modelling—I didn’t even know it was something to choose. I grew up in a small town in Illinois and met a local photographer.  He asked if he could take my picture for a local paper. Of course, my parents were very suspicious, so they insisted they accompany me to the photoshoot because they thought he might be a creepy guy.  He wasn’t and he just took some pretty photos of me. He really started me down a path to meeting with an agency in Chicago and modelling there and eventually to New York and being on the cover of Vogue and eventually having an OMEGA contract for over 25 years.

Omega Constellation
Omega Constellation

What choices in life are you most proud of?

We all make so many choices every day, but when I look back at my life, a few “choices” stand out.  As a young person, I’m proud of my choice to work hard.  Not just at school, but at any job I took on, like babysitting and even working in the cornfields.  I have a real appreciation for hard work and earning a dollar.  That work ethic translated in to how I approached modeling as a job, rather than a lifestyle.  I’m very proud that I was smart enough to choose my husband Rande Gerber.  He has proven to be a great father and partner.  Even though I always knew I wanted children, the choice to actually do it was the best decision of my life.  Being a parent has taught me so much about love and patience.  Now as a recently turned 55 year old woman, I am proud of all the ways I continue to evolve and work on myself.  Choosing to embrace where I am on my own life journey rather than wish for the past is something that takes work but helps me be present and find happiness every day.

Have you ever made a choice you later regretted?

I think we’ve all made choices that we’ve regretted, but the way that I choose to look at that now is not to regret it and just to look at it as a lesson, so if you ask me today if there are choices I’ve regretted, I would say no, because every decision I’ve made, whether it’s been bad or good and there have been some bad ones, that I’m not going to being up right now, they’ve been a lesson to me, so I don’t really believe in regrets. (However there are a few bad outfit choices I made in high school—ha!)
Cindy Crawford in Hong Kong for the launch of the Constellation collection in 2019

Have you ever found it impossible to make a choice?

I’m a very decisive person so I actually don’t really find it hard to make decisions and I also make a decision and I stick to it. And I move on.  I’m very consistent. I don’t torture myself over making choices.

What choices have you made in life that have defined you?

I definitely think the choice to have children was probably the most defining choice of my life. And also the fact that I chose to have them at home. Home birth is intense, but I loved that choice for me because, through the process and at the end of it, I felt so empowered.  I felt like “I am strong” and it set me up for feeling, "I’ve got this, I can be a mother. I will let my instincts kick in and I’ll know what to do.”

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Mother’s Day 2021: Where to Celebrate in Hong Kong

It comes without saying that mothers deserve recognition all year round, but with Mother’s Day fast approaching — it falls on Sunday, May 9th this year — there’s no better time to celebrate the first lady in your life than this weekend.

Whether she prefers to enjoy a leisurely lunch, a luxury dinner or a sophisticated tasting experience, Hong Kong’s restaurants and hotels are offering the most opulent ways to spoil her. Here are our top picks:

Sumptuous Indulgence at Beefbar

Mother's Day

This Mother's Day, one Michelin star meet specialist Beefbar is exceptionally opening on Sunday to celebrate the most important lady in your life. Chef Andrea Spagoni has designed two luxury set menus that include all time favourites like the Australian “Wagyu-Crossbred” rib-eye cap with baby spring onion and bean sprouts, and special additions like the indulgent Red Vermouth flavoured Strawberry Cheesecake.

Beefbar, 2/F, Club Lusitano, 16 Ice House St, Central; +852 2110 8853

Yat Tung Heen's Cantonese Feast

Mother's Day

To celebrate mothers who are passionate about local delicacies, Yat Tung Heen at Eaton Hong Kong has launched a specially curated nine-course Mother’s Day Menu. The Cantonese Michelin-starred feast begins with restaurant’s signature Honey-glazed Barbecued Pork and Roasted Pork Belly, while mains include the Braised Abalone and Tiger Prawns in Two Ways: Sweet & Sour and Sauteed.

Yat Tung Heen, Level B2, Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Rd, Jordan; +852 2710 1093

Bayfare Social's Mother's Day Specials

Mother's Day

This Sunday, ever trendy Spanish gastro-market Bayfare Social at Rosewood Hong Kong will offer a series of limited edition mediterranean dishes to pay tribute to mothers. The selection includes the classic Bocadillo de Tortilla, a Cold Spanish Potato Omelette with Baguette and Garlic Aioli; the "Acapulco” Style Ceviche with Prawn, Octopus and Scallop; and the spicy Sea Bass Casserole with Eggplant, Chickpeas, Harissa.

Bayfare Social, 5/F Rosewood Hong Kong, Victoria Dockside, 18 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui; +852 3891 8732

Mother's Day Tea Pairing at Roganic

Mother's Day

Eco-friendly and Michelin-starred Roganic is the perfect treat to celebrate all foodie mums passionate about sustainability and the ever popular farm-to-table movement. This Sunday, the restaurant's celebrated tasting menus, created by chef Ashley Salmon, can be paired with a special selection of tea beverages, ranging from Ambient brewed, cold brew and a homemade sparkling tea. Some of the menu's highlights include the Mackerel tartare with local tomato and linseed cracker and the indulgent

Roganic, 255 Gloucester Rd, Causeway Bay; +852 2817 8383

Osteria Marzia's Oyster Shucking Experience

For a Mother's Day celebration that encapsulates European atmosphere and flavours, Osteria Marzia has launched a charming oyster shucking experience reminiscent of a coastal Italian summer day. To start, guests will be able to discover the secrets to oyster shucking from Chef Luca while sipping free-flowing Champagne. The aperitif will continue with a selection of hand-picked Italian wines and signature seafood crudo dishes prepared tabled-side by the chef.

Osteria Marzia, The Fleming, 41 Fleming Rd, Wan Chai; +852 3607 2253

The post Mother’s Day 2021: Where to Celebrate in Hong Kong appeared first on Prestige Online - Hong Kong.

26 Last Minute Mother’s Day Gift Ideas 2021

The old saying “Mother knows best” seems to gain more meaning as the May holiday approaches. No matter what, it always seems to be right. Mother knows best that you didn’t buy her a gift, yet (with five days left). That Sunday always seems to sneak up on the best of us. Make your Mom […]

The post 26 Last Minute Mother’s Day Gift Ideas 2021 appeared first on VUE magazine.

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